Gray text on a black background that reads,

Film: "9066 to 9/11: America’s Concentration Camps, Then...and Now?"

"9066 to 9/11: America’s Concentration Camps, Then...and Now?"
(2004 / 20 minutes)

  • Directed by Akira Boch
  • Produced by Masaki Miyagawa, John Esaki
  • Executive Producers Robert Nakamura and Karen Ishizuka.
  • A production of Japanese American National Museum's Frank H. Watase Media Arts Center.

Our ongoing dialogue series with the Nikkeijin Illinois exhibition continues with a screening of the documentary short “9066 to 9/11: America’s Concentration Camps, Then...and Now?”

Leading the discussion is film and media specialist Rob Buscher, who is currently the Philadelphia Chapter President of the Japanese American Citizens League.

“9066 to 9/11” focuses on the parallels between the post-September 11 treatment of Arab Americans and Muslims in this country with treatment of Japanese Americans after the start of World War II. Revealing striking similarities, the film addresses the mistreatment of immigrants in the United States, as well as the lack of historical memory by lawmakers and the public about America’s concentration camps during World War II.

Movie poster with ripped paper effect across the middle


For further information on this event, contact the Museum Information Desk at or (217) 333-2360

All participants are welcome. To request disability-related accommodations for this event, please contact Brian Cudiamat at or (217) 244-5586.