
Sustainability Film Festival: Waste = Food

Waste = Food (2010) Unrated, 49 minutes.

WASTE = FOOD explores this revolutionary "cradle to cradle" (as opposed to "cradle to grave") concept through interviews with its leading proponents, American architect William McDonough and German ecological chemist Michael Braungart, coauthors of Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things. Their ideas are increasingly being embraced by major corporations and governments worldwide, unleashing a new, ecologically-inspired industrial revolution.

This series of sustainability-related documentaries is presented by the Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (ISTC) as a part of the University of Illinois Earth Week festivities. Each screening is followed by audience discussion with ISTC staff members and other campus or local experts as available or appropriate. The films, Living Downstream, Terra Blight, and Waste=Food, explore the environmental consequences of human production and management strategies, and will allow university students, staff, and the general public to learn more about ISTC, important sustainability issues, relevant campus projects and local resources, and actions they can take to “green” their own lives. DVDs of the documentaries, along with downloadable resource lists and activities, will be made available after the film series at the Prairie Research Institute (of which ISTC is a division) Library for professors, students, and members of the general public to check out for use in classes, meetings, and for personal enrichment.

For further information, contact Joy Scrogum at (217) 333-8948 or