Still from film: Chinese man with video camera

AsiaLENS: AEMS Documentary Film and Discussion Series at the Spurlock 2013–2014: High Tech Low Life

High Tech Low Life
(2013) Unrated, 87 minutes.

High Tech, Low Life follows two of China’s first citizen–reporters as they document the underside of the country’s rapid economic development. A search for truth and fame inspires young vegetable seller "Zola" to report on censored news stories from the cities, while retired businessman "Tiger Temple" makes sense of the past by chronicling the struggles of rural villagers. Land grabs, pollution, rising poverty, local corruption and the growing willingness of ordinary people to speak out are grist for these two bloggers who navigate China’s evolving censorship regulations and challenge the boundaries of free speech.

Visit the film's official website to read more about the film. (external link)

This series of public film screenings and lecture/discussion programs is organized by the Asian Educational Media Service (AEMS) at the Center for East Asian and Pacific Studies. It is planned in collaboration with the Spurlock Museum and presented in the Knight Auditorium. Guest scholars and members of the campus and local communities will introduce the films and lead post-screening audience discussions.


For further information you can contact AEMS (external link) at , or call (217) 333-9597.

To request disability-related accommodations for this event, please contact Brian Cudiamat at or (217) 244-5586.