
The Music of the Day of the Dead

Performance and Discussion by Los Condenados Huastecos

As part of this year’s annual C-U Folk & Roots Festival, the Spurlock Museum co-sponsors and hosts the trio Los Condenados Huastecos for a workshop exploring the rich tradition of the vinuete, music evoking the hereafter.

In the Mexican Huasteca and Sierra Gorda regions, it is customary for huapango juasteco and huapango arribeño ensembles to perform the vinuete at funeral wakes and during vigils for patron saints. In commemoration of el día de los muertos, this performance and brief discussion explore the musicality and spiritual aesthetic of this tradition where religion, death, and a unique syncretism of indigenous and Spanish cultural influences come together.


Learn more about Los Condenados, their music, this workshop, and other Folk & Roots Festival performances on the Folk & Roots Festival website (external link).

To request disability-related accommodations for this event, please contact Brian Cudiamat at or (217) 244-5586.