photos of three jazz musicians on a blue background with yellow text that reads: Jazz Trumpet Legacies, in the footsteps of Louis, Miles, and Wynton

Jazz Trumpet Legacies: In the Footsteps of Louis, Miles, and Wynton

Join the Champaign-Urbana community’s celebration of UNESCO’s International Jazz Day on April 16 (2:00 pm–6:00 pm) and listen to the ways trumpet players have fallen in love with both the instrument and its jazz repertoire. Three featured performers—Tito Carrillo, Jeff Helgesen, and Saori Kataoka, each accompanied by a rhythm section—will talk about one of their first jazz crushes and how that musical love affair grew into a serious, long-term relationship. After each player talks and performs individually, they’ll all come together in a jazz jam that’ll blow us out of the hall…and over to the Rose Bowl Tavern for an afterglow performance.

Event sponsors include the Sousa Archives and Center for American Music, the UNESCO Center for Global Citizenship, the Spurlock Museum of World Cultures, and The Conservatory of Central Illinois.

The Conservatory of Central Illinois and the Spurlock Museum acknowledge support from the Illinois Arts Council Agency.

Illinois Arts Council greyscale logo of a textile overlaid by a winged figure silhouette

This program is partially supported by a grant from the Illinois Arts Council Agency.

photos of three jazz musicians on a blue background with yellow text that repeats information given


For further information on this event, contact Sousa Archives and Center for American Music at or 217-333-4577

All participants are welcome. To request disability-related accommodations for this event, please contact Brian Cudiamat at or (217) 244-5586.