CCMN logo over prairie sunset image with Virtual Visit Challenge text superimposed

Champaign County Museums Network Virtual Visit Challenge

The Champaign County Museums Network (CCMN), along with the Spurlock Museum of World Cultures, KAM, and area museums, will host a trivia contest from Jan. 17 to Feb. 7, 2021. The Virtual Visit Challenge is a family-friendly contest that will challenge community members to virtually experience local museums, science centers, nature centers, and archives.

The Virtual Visit Challenge trivia contest will begin on January 17 when the first question will appear in Krannert Art Museum’s “Inside Out” article in the News-Gazette. Trivia questions are available until February 7. High-scoring groups and individuals will be announced online no later than February 12, with prize drawings to follow. Prizes include posters, toys, sweets, art supplies, books, and more from each of the participating venues. Details on the Virtual Visit Challenge trivia contest and descriptions of prizes can be found on the Champaign County Museums Network website (external link).

How to Play

Trivia questions will continue to be released on social media (CCMN Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram @ChampCoMuseums) and the CCMN website until February 7. Questions are also viewable on the CCMN website (external link). Participating individuals and groups will enter their answers through the Google Form on the CCMN website (external link).

Champaign County Museums Network

CCMN institutions participating in the contest are The Spurlock Museum of World Cultures, the Anita Purves Nature Center, the Champaign County Historical Archives, the Champaign County History Museum, Homer Lake Interpretive Center, University of Illinois Distributed Museum, Krannert Art Museum, Museum of the Grand Prairie, University of Illinois Pollinatarium, Sousa Archives and Center for American Music, and Staerkel Planetarium at Parkland College.

Champaign County Museums Network: Excite, Engage, Empower
Please note that this program does NOT take place at the Spurlock Museum.