The Center for Advanced Study Improvisers Exchange logo with red/black sketched abstract art

Concert: “Hindustani Classical Music and Folk Melodies from North India” by Steve Gorn (bansuri) and Manpreet Bedi (tabla)

Part of the Center for Advance Study Improvisers Exchange Initiative

Indian classical music is passed from generation to generation, from master to disciple, as a living oral tradition. The music combines the classicism of traditional repertoire, fixed melodic forms, and precise intonation, with improvisation and spontaneous creation. Indian classical music is a meeting of Raga (melody) and Tala (rhythm). Raga means, “to color the mind,” and traditionally, each raga, or melodic landscape, is associated with a time of day, a season or a quality of light. Tala, is rhythm…time, defined and elaborated in rhythmic cycles. Evolved over centuries from music performed in temples and courts, present day Indian classical music is a true ‘chamber music.’

About Steve Gorn

A pioneering artist in cross-cultural collaborative music, Steve Gorn has performed Indian Classical Music and new American Music on the bansuri bamboo flute, soprano saxophone and clarinet in concerts and festivals throughout the world. Steve Gorn’s gurus are the late bansuri master Sri Gour Goswami, of Kolkata, and Pt. Raghunath Seth of Mumbai, with whom he often accompanied in concert. Gorn also studied with the late Ustad Z. M. Dagar. Gorn’s numerous performances in India include appearing at Bharat Bhavan in Bhopal, Habitat Center and Triveni Hall in New Delhi, Sangeet Research Academy in Kolkata, National Center for the Performing Arts and Nehru Center in Mumbai, and numerous other venues.

Improvisers Exchange

Improvisers Exchange is a two-year initiative deeply investigating the field of music improvisation. This multifaceted program features performance and engagement residencies by leading artists representative of a wide spectrum of the practice, initiates a new performance course on improvisation for students, and promotes scholarly discourse through lectures and panel discussions. This ambitious project will introduce our campus and community to leading artists practicing non-idiomatic approaches to the music, others rooted in jazz and avant-jazz heritages, and master improvisers representing folkloric traditions of the world.

This Center for Advanced Study event and Mr. Gorn's Improvisers Exchange residency is cosponsored by the Center for Advanced Study, Division of Musicology, Krannert Art Museum, Krannert Center for the Performing Arts, School of Music, Spurlock Museum, and Unit One/Allen Hall.


For further information, visit the Center for Advanced Study (external link) or call (217) 333-6729.

To request disability-related accommodations for this event, please contact Brian Cudiamat at or (217) 244-5586.