Looking Good: Phi Gamma Delta Lends a Hand overview image

Looking Good: Phi Gamma Delta Lends a Hand

  • Post Date: 7/15/2005
  • Reading Time: 2 minute read

As part of National Volunteer Week (04/17–04/23), members of Phi Gamma Delta donated their Thursday afternoon to helping the Spurlock Museum with one of our least favorite but most visible jobs—cleaning glass in the galleries!

  • The Americas gallery receives special treatment.
    The Americas gallery receives special treatment.

Every day, visitors leave fingerprints all over the exhibit cases. Since opening, Museum staff have tracked these “use patterns” and have come up with a map that marks the cases that get the most dirty most often. These cases are part of our regular cleaning routine, but we’re always grateful to have the opportunity to give all the Museum’s glass a thorough scrubbing. Experience has shown us that dirty glass is a distracting barrier that prevents visitors from being able to engage visually with the artifacts and labels in exhibit cases.

  • The Paper Trail focus exhibit is a popular attraction. Working as a team gets the work done faster.
    The Paper Trail focus exhibit is a popular attraction. Working as a team gets the work done faster.

Many thanks go to Phi Gamma Delta, whose hard work put a fresh face and professional shine on our exhibits! Now if only we could convince the hundreds of schoolchildren coming on end-of-the-year field trips to keep their hands away from the glass....

  • The new volunteers take their job seriously. Attention to detail is important.
    The new volunteers take their job seriously. Attention to detail is important.